I am a fourteen year old bookworm. I began writing at nine, and published my books in my imagination. But now, I get my story published for real. For me, the show Modern Family and chocolate cakes go together really well. My favourite authors are J.K. Rowling and Jeff Kinney. When it comes to writing, I like horror and comedy. I like books, whether fiction or non-fiction, short stories, novels or tomes. I base my stories mostly in Delhi, for that’s the city I like the most. I feel that I have a way with words. I love writing poems and stories. The opportunity of becoming an author is very rare. I’m very fortunate to be an author, and having been published twice, I’m glad I harnessed this opportunity. I am pretty sure that when I grow up, writing stories will be my profession. And who knows, the next book I write might become a bestseller.